When will the gutless media stop pandering to the uber conservatives?
Romney and Ryan are basing their campaign on lies. Why do so few "journalists" refuse to identify the lies and the liars?
Obama did NOT drop the requirement that people seeking public assistance have to work or get job training. Since welfare is administerd by the states, the states, at the request of the governors (many being Republicans)have been given more flexibility in managing the system. Nothing more, nothing less.
Obama NEVER said that small business owners did not build their businesses. He said that they did not build the roads and bridges which the businesses used. They did not build the schools in which their employees and customers were taught.
Obama is not taking 700 million away from Medicare recipiants. Obamacare will result in more efficient and cost effective delivery of health care and there should be 700 million in savings. (Contrast this with the Ryan Vouchercare system which actually does reduce benefits to recipiants)
Paul Ryan's acceptance speech was full of lies. And the worst I heard is that "he stretched the truth".
Thank goodness for Soledad O'Brien on CNN, she challenged each and every lie that little weasel John Sununu spoke. The rest of the reporters and anchor people are useless.