Just want to take the time out to say hello to all members of the STS BBNJ forum and anyone publicly viewing the forum. If there is anything that I can do to help make this forum a better forum (Members) please PM me to let me know and thanks for the opportunity to do so.
On another note I just want to thank Rollingstone for the same opportunity to take over this forum to see what I can do with it. I have to say this forum is well layed out and I would hope that Rollingstone would still remain a member here and at least stop by once and awhile although from what I understand he is now semi-retired and looking to do other things with his spare time. He surely put together a great forum here from what I can see. Hope I can take it to the next level. Time will tell. Thanks again.
Hi Warren D Thanks for taking over. Rollingstone did a great job with this forum and we all hope he continues to be involved. If I can help in anyway let me know.
Thanks for taking the helm. This forum has been very good at keeping up with Bound Brook past & Present Thanks to the efforts of Rolling Stone. As you mentioned he is semi retired now and trying out some New ventures. You have some BIG shoes to fill but i'm sure you are up to the task. GOOD LUCK Dixie