I remember driving on Rt 22 eastbound (around Green Brook) and seeing a "fallout shelter sales location." It had models of all types of shelter and signs proclaiming something about "easy monthly payments."
It didnt last too long. I imagine that the idea of the neighbor and kids knocking on the shelter door when the air raid alarms were screaming was a sure sales killer
Anyone remember this place?
I also remember standing in the hall and holding up the walls in LaMonte School during the Cuban Missile Crisis - then running home beflore the bombs fell.
Christmas 1968 - I was in Johnannsen Bakery - buying Christmas bread (during that blizzard) and "thundersnow" happended. Every one in the bakery freaked and though NYC was a mushroom cloud - crossed themselves and prayed - till they realized what it was.....
Too young to remember the fall out shelter place but I remember Johnanses Bakery, they had the best egg bread! And I sure remember the thunder snow! That was something I don't think I'll ever forget or ever experience again. I lived in the BB Apartments and we went upstairs to our neighbors apartment because he had a view of the mountain by Chimney Rock and we watched the storm and the lightning (what you could see of it) and heard the thunder. Gosh I haven't thought of that in years, I'll have to tell my kids about it! THANKS FOR THE MEMORY!!!
Yes, Johannsens was great. As was "Forget me Not" and the Bound Brook Bakery. Imagine - three bakeries in one town! And BB used to have four supermarkets!
Too bad my kids live in an area where there is no "town" you can walk or bike to - no stores or businesses that they'll remember - only big box stores and fast food joints. Sad statement on the times.
BB was a good place to grow up.
Remember your letter carrier - Howard? He is in prison now for some horrible act.
Since you lived in the Cod Apts - you must have frequented Codrington Park - remember the "food shack?" Or knock hockey and the summer movie nights - projected on the field house wall?
OOOPS. NOSTALGIA OVERLOAD - WARNING - NOSTALGIA OVERLOAD. It must be because my 40th HS reunion is coming soon.....take care.
A bunch of us were slede riding down angels path ( the easy way up to White Rock ).. It was snowing when it started getting darker... (but it was the middle of the afternoon) when a crack of lighting and the rumble of thunder sounded like it was coming right over the mountain!!! We all took off and high tailed it for our homes... We were all sure it was the end of the world!!!..
Avatar picture is my 1987 Buick Grand National pictured here in 2006 when I won the Tubro Street Modified Class at the Buick GS Nationals in Bowling Green KY. Car has run 9.64 at 140.11 mph.. Imagine this car sitting in Burger Chef on a Saturday night...