Is Warner's gas station still in business? I went to school with Frankie Warner and I think his Dad owned the station. I think there was also a hotel with the Warner name on it although I don't believe it was owned by the same person that owned the gas station. If anyone knows what Frankie is up to, let me know
Is Warner's gas station still in business? I went to school with Frankie Warner and I think his Dad owned the station. I think there was also a hotel with the Warner name on it although I don't believe it was owned by the same person that owned the gas station. If anyone knows what Frankie is up to, let me know
Zack, Where have you been? Warners gas station has been gone since the 70's if I remember correctly. The Hotel is still housing people upstairs but the Bar since the flood of 2007 has been closed. The Warners ran both the bar and the gas station. The Garage was one of the only places in town that had a Car Lift outside to do repairs.
To Believe In Legal Immigration And Not Illegal Immigration Does Not Make One A Racist (Quote: Lou Dobbs CNN)