Ok, how many of you remember Mr. Covinbock in Wood Shop? He was another good shop teacher. I still have a Salad Bowl and Cutting board believe it or not that I made in Wood Shop. Use that cutting board almost everyday and it is still holding up. Made quite a few things in Wood Shop. Just another thing todays kids are missing since there aren't any more shop classes at BBHS. My question is where are these kids going to learn this type of thing? No wonder most of todays kids don't know how to work with their hands other then maybe playing video games.
To Believe In Legal Immigration And Not Illegal Immigration Does Not Make One A Racist (Quote: Lou Dobbs CNN)
Mr. Colvenbach was cool. Had him for wood shop. He would have me work with the "special ed." kids. I guess he thought I had patience. If you recall, back then they mixed the "special ed." kids in with the regular students for shop classes. I really like Mr. Colvenbachs way of discipline. If you were not paying attention or where acting up, he would whip an eraser from the board at you and you would get beaned in the head. Usually caught they're attention. Fortunately I was never the victim of this but saw it plenty used on people who deserved it.
I didn't have Mr Colvenbach, I don't even remember who taught our class, but I do remember that I liked wood shop the most of all the shop classes that I took.