I know everyone remembers Loree's Drug store. Surprised no one listed it here as it was one of the main attractions downtown. 3 Bars of Candy for a Dime. How could one go wrong back in the day? Use to buy my baseball cards there also for the same price. I miss that flat stick of gum packed inside with the baseball cards. I had a couple of shoeboxes full of really nice baseball cards. From what I understand from my family all was lost in the Tropical Storm Doria flood of 1971. Funny though I don't remember throwing them away when doing the clean up back then. When I think of those Micky Mantle, Yogi Berra and Roger Maris cards that were in mint shape including many others like Al Kaline, Willie Mays etc. it makes me sick.
To Believe In Legal Immigration And Not Illegal Immigration Does Not Make One A Racist (Quote: Lou Dobbs CNN)