Well, I know of one confirmed streaker with the initials D.R. who was a very very cool guy. Other might have been M.D. but that may have just been hearsay...any thoughts??? Ted E. Bare...remember?
Harry Swift, Miss Bonham, Mr and Mrs Sterns, Mr Barile, Mr Reynolds, Mrs Yohn, Miss Emhoff, Mr Chersack, Mr Ferguson, Miss Huber just to name a few teachers I remember. How about study hall in the auditorium. Drivers Ed, Phys Ed and square dancing. All the crazy shop classes. LUNCH!!. Assembly each week and the seniors marching in. Trying to get from Phys Ed on the 1st floor to a class on the 3rd floor in 3 minutes. As Freshman, thinking how cool the Seniors were, when they really weren't. Cool days!
Well, I know of one confirmed streaker with the initials D.R. who was a very very cool guy. Other might have been M.D. but that may have just been hearsay...any thoughts??? Ted E. Bare...remember?
Harry Swift, Miss Bonham, Mr and Mrs Sterns, Mr Barile, Mr Reynolds, Mrs Yohn, Miss Emhoff, Mr Chersack, Mr Ferguson, Miss Huber just to name a few teachers I remember. How about study hall in the auditorium. Drivers Ed, Phys Ed and square dancing. All the crazy shop classes. LUNCH!!. Assembly each week and the seniors marching in. Trying to get from Phys Ed on the 1st floor to a class on the 3rd floor in 3 minutes. As Freshman, thinking how cool the Seniors were, when they really weren't. Cool days!
Zach, Don't know if you know it or not but BBHS did away with all those Shop Classes. They no longer exist. Can you believe that? I thought the Shop Classes were great. I learned alot in those classes especially Electric Shop although I only took it for one year. I should of continued with it. Learned plenty in Wood Shop and Metal Shop also. I have to admit I didn't do well in Mechanical Drawing. Had a tough time with it. I just wasn't into it. Still can't understand why these classes were dropped. No wonder why these kids don't know how to do much anymore. Those classes devoloped skills in young people.
To Believe In Legal Immigration And Not Illegal Immigration Does Not Make One A Racist (Quote: Lou Dobbs CNN)
I agree with Roliing Stone. These classes at least gave you the basics. One of my first (although) short lived jobs fresh out of high school was at a metal fabricating business. A lot of what I learned in metal shop came with me!
We had a guy fairly new to teaching for metal shop and he was having a tough time controlling the class for sure. In those days, kids with special needs were often mixed in with the regular "population". I remember Mr. Patterson would arrange the special ed. kids into thier own group and then have me work with them. He must have assumed I had patience!
Lot of memories of BBHS. I always used to get in trouble for parking in Mrs. Reitz's (school nurse)parking spot when I returned from lunch. We weren't allowed in faculty parking but sometime there was nowhere to park. I would get paged to the office to move it! Could fill pages on some of the antics.
anyone have a copie of the xanadu i think it was 1972 or71 it had a poem in it called " the runner " won first place ,love to see that again. i have a story about that poem .