Many people, and I think jd in particular, complain about having to be "politically correct".
What is more politcally correct than every politician, from Obama to Romney and everyone in between, ending each speech with "God bless the United States of America"? I believe in and worship God. I want America to be the benificairy of God's blessings. I just wish politicians would not end each speech with that nonsense. But that is not the political correctness complained of.
I get the feeling that jd believes I am being too politically correct in finding the derogatory imitation of an accent objectionable. It is not politically incorrect to make fun of accents. It is simply wrong. Does anyone reading this post speak a second language? If you do, you probably speak that language with an accent. If you do not, you should admire the skills of someone (with an accent) who has learned english.
This makes reference to a post I started in the Bound Brook discussion section. But I think this issue is more general and not BB specific.