Slam your U.S. Senator for Voting for the DREAM Act Amnesty!
New Jersey Residents N. J. Democratic Senators Menendez and Lautenberg voted for the Amnesty not caring what the majority of American Citizens want. I believe the Special Interests have gotten to them. Not good for true American Citizens in New Jersey.
On December 8th, 2010, the House of Representatives forced a slightly-modified version of the DREAM Act amnesty through its chamber. These modifications included lowering the age-limit to 30 from 35 and defining what "good moral character" meant. These changes were an attempt to give the DREAM Act a façade of respectability and good governance, an attempt which failed. However, due to the House's passage of the DREAM Act, the Senate decided it was time for them to take up the bill (something Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid was planning to do regardless of the outcome of the House vote). Because anti-amnesty, pro-American worker Senators filibustered the bill, Sen. Harry Reid filed cloture (the step necessary to force a vote on a filibustered bill) on the night of December 16, setting up a vote on the morning of Saturday, December 18th.
The Senate duly held their vote on the DREAM Act amnesty on Saturday morning. Because this was a vote to invoke cloture (thereby cutting off the filibuster), the pro-amnesty forces needed 60 votes. Fortunately for all Americans and legal immigrants, the pro-DREAM Act Senators were only able to muster 55 votes, with the final tally being 55-41 (with 4 anti-amnesty Senators not voting).
Sadly, your U.S. Senator voted in favor of the DREAM Act amnesty. He/she obviously did not heed the recent November Congressional elections (or just doesn't care about the plight of the 22 million American workers who cannot find a job). Please send a fax to your Senator and express your displeasure with his/her vote. Be sure to make it known you have a long memory and will not forget this betrayal of at-risk American workers and their families when he/she is up for reelection.
P.S. There are a variety of mission statements, including those for our activist members who generally like their Senator (but dislike this amnesty vote) and those for our members who downright despise their Senator. Be sure to click through both the mission statements and the bodies to find the texts that represent your feelings best.
To Believe In Legal Immigration And Not Illegal Immigration Does Not Make One A Racist (Quote: Lou Dobbs CNN)