Mr. Haase taught history I believe I had him in 7th grade in 1970. He was a cool guy who used to call us his hamburgers! He is listed on one of the BBHS sites in the faculty section. According to that, his email address is
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How cool. Yes, he taught History and he was cool compared to all of the other teachers. Thanks for the email address, I'm going to email him. I'll let you know if he responds
Remember all of these teachers well! I'm still chuckling about how we would seduce Mr. Moody (General Science) into sidebars with the greatest of ease. He'd then assign us a chapter and sneak into his private closet for a nip. After that, we gals could have our mirrors and hairspray propped right up on our desks, teasing each other's hair and putting "cat's eyes" on each other and he wouldn't notice or make comment. What a total hoot!