Ok I guess I will have to be the one to start this forum off. How many of you old timers remember Principal Harry Swift? I just got into the High School the last year that Harry Swift was principal so I really don't remember a whole lot about him other then some things I heard before making it up there to the high school. Maybe someone on the forum can give us a little more info about Harry.
To Believe In Legal Immigration And Not Illegal Immigration Does Not Make One A Racist (Quote: Lou Dobbs CNN)
I don't remember Harry Swift - I graduated in 76 but I do remember our lovely truant officer - Imbriani - my mom got plenty of phone calls from her. Do you believe, I can't remember our principals name - I remember a lot of teachers, especially Mr. Barile - my favorite and good old Ms. Hauber. I know everyone remembers her.
Harry was the BBHS Principal my entire four years in high school and also my two grammer school years which were also located in the high school. He always reminded me of Barney Fife from the Andy Griffith Show.
How could you forget our illustrious Vice-Principal, Mr. Spain. We spent a lot of time together. And Mrs. Imbriani, somehow, she always left me alone except for the time I came face to face with her coming from my car on Windsor St. when I was supposed to be in school!
Mark Barber... He was funny as hell.. Just the way he used to move his hands to tell a story would make you laugh..
Avatar picture is my 1987 Buick Grand National pictured here in 2006 when I won the Tubro Street Modified Class at the Buick GS Nationals in Bowling Green KY. Car has run 9.64 at 140.11 mph.. Imagine this car sitting in Burger Chef on a Saturday night...
I knew Mark pretty well.  After graduating BBHS I worked at the same company as his father Johnny at Research Cottrell. Many probably remember Mark Barber as having a knack for doing some nice write-ups in the Bound Brook Cronicle.
To Believe In Legal Immigration And Not Illegal Immigration Does Not Make One A Racist (Quote: Lou Dobbs CNN)
He was a great guy.I spent a lot of time with him--well I was sent to his Office on a few occassions--[weekly]. He would always talk with me and tell me to be good to his teachers.He was my Dad I guess when I was in school.
True story. I was to be suspended for making "obscene campaign posters" for Council President. My father came in to speak with the Principal about this situation. Frankly, the posters were just stupid and not obscene -
At the end of their meeting, my dad walked over to Donnelly, picked him up against the wall, put him down and said "where is the bathroom - I have to wash my hands now and go back to work to pickup up garbage."
Dad drove a BB Public Works trash truck.
You may remember him, he used to buy bubble gum to toss to kids are they worked around the north part of BB.
I remember Marty Valent getting disciplined for wearing shorts - pre dress code changes.Â