The public hearing regarding the certificate of need application to close the acute-care facility at Muhlenberg Regional Medical Center in Plainfield is scheduled for next month in the Plainfield High School auditorium.
In March, Solaris Health System, Muhlenberg's parent company, filed an application for closure, citing annual operating losses of more than $17 million due, primarily, to shortfalls in charity-care funding.
Solaris had put Muhlenberg up for sale in November, but no offers were received. Thus, the decision was made to downsize by closing the acute-care facility. The school of nursing, a satellite emergency room, medical records and some ancillary services will remain at the Plainfield campus.
More than 1,000 employees will be affected, although Solaris officials said they have agreed to retain more than 350 employees at its other locations, including JFK Medical Center in Edison. Employees last week received letters giving them 60-days notice that the downsizing could begin as early as June 15, assuming Heather Howard, the commissioner of the state Department of Health and Senior Services, signs off on the application by that time.
The State Health Planning Board will conduct the hearing, scheduled from 6 to 8 p.m. May 6. The public has been invited to attend and comment on the application.
Those wishing to offer verbal comments can attend the hearing. Comments will be limited to three minutes per person, although written comments can be submitted at the same time.
"We welcome the public hearing and are always available to listen to the public concerns in regards to the dire state of health care in New Jersey," said Steven Weiss, a spokesman for Solaris.
Comments can also be submitted in writing after the hearing and must be received by the state board no later than May 13.
After all comments are received, the board will then review the application at a scheduled meeting in Trenton.
Copies of the application are available for review at the Planfield Public Library, the New Jersey State Library in Trenton and the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services.
Written comments should be sent to: The New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services, Office of Legal and Regulatory Affairs, Market & Warren Streets, PO Box 360, Trenton, NJ 08625-0360.
For more information,call (609) 292-7874.
To Believe In Legal Immigration And Not Illegal Immigration Does Not Make One A Racist (Quote: Lou Dobbs CNN)
Charity care put this hospital and many around the country just like it out of business. The number who have gone out of business in California is unbelievable. The influx of Illegal Immigrants into this country is causing a big mess where Hospitals are their main source for health care yet they don't pay for it. Illegals are having anchor babies here at an alarming rate as they are told to do this by open border lobbyist such as La Raza and LuLac to anchor themselves here into this country all at Legal American Citizens expense. Something is wrong with this picture and both Obama and Clinton want to give them an amnesty which will probably finally destroy Social Security and our Health Care system. Can't say much for McCain since his name was on the Comprehensive Amnesty package brought forth by himself and Senator Kennedy. Hopefully the Republican party will put him in his place if elected.
To Believe In Legal Immigration And Not Illegal Immigration Does Not Make One A Racist (Quote: Lou Dobbs CNN)
WOW--Two months ago I found out the hospital was closed. I was born there. Sad to see the reason why. My present State Arizona [since 1974] is standing up to this issue and even fighting with Washington DC who it appears is hell bent in destroying our Country.
I know what you mean. The illegal Immigration problem here is one of the main reasons here Hospitals are having a hard time. Plenty of Illegals live in this area anymore. Trust me it didn't help Muhlenberg survive. Now Somerset Hospital is feeling it being more are coming from the area that Muhlenberg served. I am with you on the Arizona's new Immigration Law. I just wish all the states would adopt it. N.J. would probably be the last to ever consider it. We have 2 Senators in Menendez and Lautenberg who voted (English) down as being our national language and both are for giving an Amnesty to the Illegal Immigrant Law Breakers.
One other thing I should mention. Half of the student population in Bound Brook schools are children of Illegal Immigrants. Shocked? Bound Brook is having a very hard time surviving I believe because of this problem. Illegals place a great demand on services. They are having Anchor Babies in BB left and right being it doesn't cost them anything to have them where as most Americans won't have children they can't afford. I am pretty sure the cost per student here is around $14k a year now to school them in N.J. public schools.  Â
To Believe In Legal Immigration And Not Illegal Immigration Does Not Make One A Racist (Quote: Lou Dobbs CNN)
-- Edited by GTO/GN on Sunday 27th of June 2010 04:11:24 PM
Avatar picture is my 1987 Buick Grand National pictured here in 2006 when I won the Tubro Street Modified Class at the Buick GS Nationals in Bowling Green KY. Car has run 9.64 at 140.11 mph.. Imagine this car sitting in Burger Chef on a Saturday night...
 I agree. We need to secure our Borders and go after any Business who hires Illegal's. I have NO problem with LEGAL Immogrants coming to America for a better life.  Dixie